As long as you have the area code and the seven digit number, you should be able to locate any number's owner, if you know where to look. Don't you just wish there was a way to find unlisted numbers that are not printed in the white pages phone book?
However, when you have the number and not the name, the process is a bit different. By using the online residential phone number search services, you have access to telephone information from all over the country, and from other countries. Likewise, free directories are useless when searching for mobile most business numbers.
Others let you perform search for free, but charge for the access to results if any. After running a free preliminary search to make sure they have the records, you can choose either a one time lookup, or a membership that gives you unlimited searches. Some may use text or SMS messaging or send things to your email rather than go through the postal service.
Get out there. If you rely on directory assistance and the white pages only, then yes you can garner privacy in that respect.
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