You will probably search through the yellow pages and try to find a name but it never helps unless it is a landline number. Many phone reverse lookup services do not give you much information other than a person's name, address and phone number.
A great way to start is to identify who made that call and you can start by tracing the phone number to that person's address. It use to be that you would get a strange hang up or midnight caller only at home, but now even cell phone users are getting these kinds of problems. Infidelity is quite common in today's world and it is much better to know the truth as early as possible to save yourself from more pains.
Some may charge per search irrespective of the actual results. Normally, apart from basic information like full name and current address, you can get additional data that might be of interest. So privacy of vital information such as name, address, and phone number is not an absolute.
If you do not get results, you can get refunded by the reverse cell phone lookup service. But if you want quick and absolutely reliable results, go for the paid services that provide directories for cell phone numbers.
Free Reverse Directory Unlisted Vancouver Telephone Directory